Sunday, April 10, 2011


Starring: Val Kilmer, Gabe Jarret, William Atherton, John Gries, Michelle Meyrink

Mitch Taylor (Gabe Jarret) is a new student on the campus of Pacific Tech (the movie version of Caltech). Mitch is a super serious 15 year old science prodigy recruited by Professor Jerry Hathaway (William Atherton, the classic ‘80’s movie a-hole from Ghostbusters and Die Hard) to work on a revolutionary laser project. Mitch is assigned a dorm room with Chris Knight (the great Val Kilmer), a genius senior who is supposed to be working on the laser project but prefers to party and goof off. Chris sees much of his younger self in Mitch, as he also arrived, scared and all business, but after burning out, and seeing his friends crash due to pressure, Chris finally decided that there is more to life than just work (cliché alert!). Eventually, Chris teaches Mitch how to balance his stressful studies with the requisite '80s movie college-fun scenes.
The film also features an interesting motley crew: Jordan (Michelle Meyrink), a super hyper, very cute, extremely quirky student that becomes Mitch's love interest; Lazlo Hollyfeld (the excellent John Gries, Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite!), who appears and disappears via Chris' closet, and teaches the students a real lesson about patience and perseverance; and Kent, Professor Hathaway’s butt-kissing assistant, who plots against Mitch and Chris at every turn. Unbeknownst to the students, they are tricked into developing the ultimate assassination machine for Professor Hathaway, and when they discover the monstrosity that they have created, the revenge they exact is clever, and unique, and makes a great mid-80’s statement about the Cold War and our obsession with the Military-Industrial Complex. Top-notch direction from Martha Coolidge and a script full of memorable one-liners adds to the film’s brilliance.

The film's soundtrack was a great mix of cool songs by really good, but lesser known bands ("The Pleasure Seekers" by The System and “The Walls Come Down” by The Call), and big '80s' hits ("Summertime Girls" by Y&T, “One Night Love Affair" by Bryan Adams, "All She Wants to Do Is Dance" by Don Henley, and “Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears).

Jesus replied, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." - John 4:10