Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ronald "The Lawn Boy" Miller (Patrick Dempsey) is the typical '80s movie high school nerd. He mows lawns all summer long in his Tucson neighborhood to save up the 1000 bucks to get a telescope, and while looking through it before buying it at the mall, he spies Cindy Mancini (Amanda Peterson), "the hottest girl in school" (of course!). Cindy is freaking out after spilling wine on her mom's best outfit and finding out it will cost $1000 to get it clean (again, of course!). The original title of the script was Boy Rents Girl, and that's basically what Ronald proposes: Cindy is to be his entry into the "cool crowd" by pretending to be his girlfriend for a month., in hopes that it will make him popular.
 As the plot must move forward, Cindy reluctantly agrees (partly because she is in a long-distance relationship with Bobby, the star football player who's struggling at college), and after undergoing the requisite 1980's throw-your-credit-cards-down, clothes-and-haircut makeover, overseen by Cindy, Ronald slowly starts neglecting his loyal geek squad, and morphs into one of the shallow, self-absorbed popular students. Because they must be seen together, Ronald and Cindy start sharing the same space and actually start getting to know and appreciate each other for their respective traits. While Ronald is squarely focused on becoming popular, Cindy starts to develop feelings for him, but her hopes are dashed as the month ends and she and Ronald have a dramatic "break up" in front of the whole school. Cindy in genuinely hurt, and Ronald is genuinely an ass.

Ronald further alienates his real friends by hanging out with the jocks (who are always portrayed are jerks) and dating the hot chicks (who are always portrayed as sluts), and then, the ultimate insult: in one of the most emotionally overwrought scenes in the film, Ronald inadvertently goes in with the jocks, on the flaming dog crap prank on his best friend on Halloween. Later at a New Year's Eve party, Bobby pays his old high school buddies a surprise visit and discovers Cindy's "infidelity" with Ronald. Bobby's anger causes him to break up with  Cindy, which in turn, hurts and angers Cindy enough for her to divulge the secret agreement she made with Ronald to all the party guests. As his classmates learn just how truly pathetic Ronald is, he is ostracized by not only the Cool Crowd, but the Nerd Herd as well.

Ronald's moment of redemption comes when he defends a nerd from a jock and shames the student body by pointing out they were once all friends, before the scourge of popularity splintered them into cliques. Upon seeing this heartfelt display, Cindy catches a glimmer of the Ronald that she was falling for, all those months ago and the end of the film finds she and Ronald literally riding into the sunset (on his lawn mower), as a certain Beatles' tune plays to fade out.   

He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. - Isaiah 40:11

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Starring: Lance Guest, Dan O'Herlihy, Catherine Mary Stewart, Norman Snow, Robert Preston, Norman Snow

Alex Rogan (Lance Guest), is a teenager enjoying all the fun and glamour of life in a trailer park with his mother and little brother. Alex is the Dwayne Schneider of the trailer park, and instead of spending his free time with his cute girlfriend, Maggie (Catherine Mary Stewart), he spends tons of quarters and hours on Starfighter, an arcade game.

Players of Starfighter, must defend "the Frontier" from "Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada" in a space battle. Soon after Alex becomes the highest scorer ever, he is approached by the game's inventor, Centauri (Robert Preston) who invites him to take a ride. Just as Alex does so, the car turns into a spacecraft, and the alien Centauri spirits him away to far away planet of Rylos. Back on Earth, Centauri has left an Alex replicant (Beta the android) in his place so Alex's family won't notice his absence.

When they reach Rylos, Alex is told and realizes that Rylos is losing a war (against the Ko-Dan Armada) and the plot, territories, images, and all other aspects of the Starfighter game are real and that the game was designed as a test to find those "with the gift." Alex proved himself time and again while playing the game is expected to pilot an actual Starfighter warship, the Gunstar.  Aghast, Alex resists initially, but is reminded that once then Ko-Dan Armada finishes conquering Rylos, it will surely move on to taking over other planets, with earth (of course) being one of them.

A great little film, which was groundbreaking in its use of CGI special effects; it has a nice score, good plot, and a possible SEQUEL!

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. - Psalms 119:1

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Starring: Helen Slater, Christian Slater, Yeardley Smith, Peter Coyote, Martha Gehman, and Barry Tubb.

Billie Jean Davy (Helen Slater) and her younger brother, Binx (Christian Slater) are teenagers in Corpus Christi, Texas.  High school bullies steal Binx’s scooter, forcing Billie Jean, Binx, and their friends Putter (Yeardley Smith) and Ophelia (Martha Gehman) to report it to the police.  After they talk to Detective Ringwald (Peter Coyote) about it, and are not taken seriously, Binx takes matters into his own hands, and ends up getting severely beaten, and getting his scooter trashed.

As Hubie Pyatt is the bully that damaged the scooter, Billie Jean, Binx, and Ophelia go to his father's shop to get the money to get the scooter fixed. However, Mr. Pyatt tries to sexually assault Billie Jean and Binx accidentally shoots him in the shoulder. The teens take off into the night. Shortly after, Detect. Ringwald is beginning to realize that his lack of action set into pay a chain of events that is spiraling into chaos.

Just like Timmy the paperboy in Better Off Dead who just wanted his two dollars, Billie Jean just wanted the six hundred bucks to fix her brother’s scooter…and an apology from that dirt-bag Pyatt. But she becomes a symbol of the teen angst of the 80’s: not being taken seriously by adults, having to do for yourself when there is no one to help you do it (whatever “it” is/was), and living in an anti-John Hughes trailer park world.

Great film. Killer cast. Excellent soundtrack. The Legend of Billie Jean.

The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. - John 1:4