Thursday, March 10, 2011

Starring: Lance Guest, Dan O'Herlihy, Catherine Mary Stewart, Norman Snow, Robert Preston, Norman Snow

Alex Rogan (Lance Guest), is a teenager enjoying all the fun and glamour of life in a trailer park with his mother and little brother. Alex is the Dwayne Schneider of the trailer park, and instead of spending his free time with his cute girlfriend, Maggie (Catherine Mary Stewart), he spends tons of quarters and hours on Starfighter, an arcade game.

Players of Starfighter, must defend "the Frontier" from "Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada" in a space battle. Soon after Alex becomes the highest scorer ever, he is approached by the game's inventor, Centauri (Robert Preston) who invites him to take a ride. Just as Alex does so, the car turns into a spacecraft, and the alien Centauri spirits him away to far away planet of Rylos. Back on Earth, Centauri has left an Alex replicant (Beta the android) in his place so Alex's family won't notice his absence.

When they reach Rylos, Alex is told and realizes that Rylos is losing a war (against the Ko-Dan Armada) and the plot, territories, images, and all other aspects of the Starfighter game are real and that the game was designed as a test to find those "with the gift." Alex proved himself time and again while playing the game is expected to pilot an actual Starfighter warship, the Gunstar.  Aghast, Alex resists initially, but is reminded that once then Ko-Dan Armada finishes conquering Rylos, it will surely move on to taking over other planets, with earth (of course) being one of them.

A great little film, which was groundbreaking in its use of CGI special effects; it has a nice score, good plot, and a possible SEQUEL!

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. - Psalms 119:1

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