Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Family and friends, as you all may be aware, the Waxing Philosophical Blog has been dormant for quite some time. This will still be true after today’s messages.  However, I am announcing that two, that’s right, TWO new blogs are going live today!

This year-long (!) blog experiment will involve my all new ‘80s Music blog and my all new ‘80s Teen Flick blog. Between the two blogs, I will be writing everyday. Some days, I may log multiple entries at both locations; some days, one entry at both locations. BUT, I hope to write at least one blog entry at one of the two locations. I am doing this for a few reasons: 1) I need to get some fresh writing samples out there; 2) I need to become much more disciplined if I want writing to be a viable career choice in the near future; and 3) I am inundated constantly with ‘80s trivia questions, so I thought I’d share some of my useless knowledge!

If this experiment works out, I have a couple other cool blog ideas on deck for next year!

Thanks. Now…ENJOY!

Here's the link to 80's music blog:


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