Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Release Year: 1985

Starring: Michael J. Fox, James Hampton, Susan Ursitti, Jerry Levine, Lorie Griffin


Release Year: 1987

Starring: Jason Bateman, Estee Chandler, Kim Darby, James Hampton, Paul Sand, John Astin

Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox), a 17-year old high school basketball player, is sick of being an ordinary student stuck on a crappy team (the Beavers) His dream-girl, Pamela (Lorie Griffin), is dating Mick, a jackass from a rival high school team (of course), the Dragons.

Scott begins to notice weird changes to his body, until ultimately, he transforms into a werewolf. Scott's dad, Harold, knows what is occurring and presents himself to Scott as a werewolf as well, stating that he never told Scott about the Howard family curse condition because "sometimes it skips a generation." Scott is publicly outed at a basketball game after getting piled on. Naturally, the crowd is initially freaked, but he wins them over by finishing the game with a quadruple double.

Scott then learns how to transform at will, and starts using his alter-ego, "The Wolf" to become popular and wins the heart of Pamela while ignoring the affections of his best friend, Boof (Susan Ursitti), who has loved him since childhood (teen flick subplot #211).Scott's other best friend, a sleazy entrepreneur-type, Stiles (Jerry Levine), cashes in on Scott's new popularity, selling Teen Wolf T-shirts and other merchandise.

By the end of the film, Scott is put into positions where his "friends'" loyalties are tested and he comes to find out who he can really trust. ABC Afterschool Special stuff aside, TEEN WOLF is a silly, goofy, fun time-waster that doesn't take itself too seriously (or at all). Some clever jokes, a good cast and brisk direction complete the mix. Plus, Scott dumps Pamela and hooks up with Boof at the end.

When TEEN WOLF opened in August of 1985, it was the #2 film. The #1 film that week? BACK TO THE FUTURE!

The sequel, TEEN WOLF TOO, was released in 1987, starred Jason Bateman as Todd Howard, Scott's cousin, and was a flop, but not a bad film, relatively speaking. Plotwise, it is pretty much the same as the first, except instead of basketball, Todd is on the boxing team. Plus, there is more emphasis on the love story between Todd and Nikki (cutie Estee Chandler).

The was a another sequel planned with Alyssa Milano planned, but that never materialized.  However, MTV is now filming a new Teen Wolf T.V. show to air this summer.  MTV syas that it will not be a comedy show, but a reimagining "with a greater emphasis on romance, horror and werewolf mythology". Here's waht the new TEEN WOLF looks like:

We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves. - Romans 15:1

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